Kim's Weight Loss

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Anything you can do....

I don't think of myself as a competitive person. But today I learned something new about myself. Went down to retrieve laundry and it wasn't done so I decided to do a little Wii Fitness. I was playing some of the balance games. There is a ski jump and even though I kept improving my rating was still amateur. I kept doing it over and over and it was pissing me off that I couldn't get more than one star. Granted I've only been skiing once in my life and that didn't go to well. I must of been 11 or 12 and some friends asked me to come ski with them. Ellen Barker and Pam somebody. They were best friends and I was the tag along. They would do things like enthusiastically ask me what I was doing Saturday, when I said nothing they would talk me into doing there paper route, so they could go have fun. Pam had a uni brow and I remember her using hairspray to tame it. SO THERE!! Anyway back to the skiing. They let me do a few passes on the bunny trail and then they took off for the bigger mountains (though this was Dayton, Ohio, not Colorado. I was too scared to go fast so I kept falling on purpose. At one point the snow smoother machine was coming and I couldn't get out of the way. So the ski patrol had to come and carry me down. Needless to say that was my last foray with snow skiing. But I will master the Wii ski jump. I will no longer be an amateur soon.

Day 21

Workout 19

Best Elliptical Ever

mile record of 14:59

2nd mile 15:11

sweat and huffed

Also 1hr. on Wii fit

I realized that you do unlock more free time as you advance

sweat a lot!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I grew up in Wisconsin and skiing was a weekend activity for most of my friends. They would all come to school Monday with their lift tickets on their zipper pulls. I was pretty sure that skiing would not be my thing so I always had a babysitting job!!!! Wii fit is sounding intriguing....