Kim's Weight Loss

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fist Bump

Now that I'm approaching 40lb. lost people are really starting to notice my weight loss. Even people who didn't know about the surgery. We have a resident in our office. He works mostly on Wednesdays. Our paths hadn't crossed in probably about a month. He saw me this week and said "you've lost a lot of weight, you look good". I thanked him and said I've lost almost 40lb. He walked away and then stuck his hand around the corner and said "that deserves a fist bump". It made me feel really good.

Tried a new yoga studio this am. My Y teacher also teaches there. I want to fit more classes in a week since I really like it. Today I went to the free intro. class. This instructor made all the people who had ever done it before move to the front. She pointed out my poses a few times to give people examples. That made me feel good too. I'm not a beginner anymore. During the class she said she is newly certified as an instructor and is 50yrs old. So that gives me hope.

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