Kim's Weight Loss

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Feeling Good

Ok, I've been focusing on my blog design, so I guess it's time to write. Thought I really like the weight loss ticker, isn't it cool!!!
So I've been eating most of the food I like just in smaller quantities and I lost two pounds this week, so that's within the goals the surgeon set for me after the first time they fill my band, and that won't happen until the 20th. So I'm thinking this is working pretty well.
Some things I need to add/adjust is exercise program, not eating between meals. And what I think will be the most difficult is not drinking with meals, but still getting in 8 glasses of water a day. I not supposed to drink with food because it liquefies the food and makes it pass through faster thus reducing the feeling of fullness. But this includes 90 min after meals too. So I'm going to have to come up with a plan for that and ask for some advice. So hold me accountable (gently) friends and family and make sure I update you on these new skills I need. (exercise,dry meals, no snacking)

I have found looked around a little and will be a great resource for some of my questions and venting. Didn't make it to last nights support group because Kevin had a meeting. But plan to go the second Monday of the month. Also am going to meet with Psychologist who did my evaluation for the surgery. He focuses on body image and I really liked him.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I would love to walk with you and I actually own one of those walking in place tapes and her book. My favorites are David Cook, Jason Castro, and Brooke. At this point they're all really good though. Bob likes Carly and he actually predicted this week's cast off. I won't spoil it since you haven't watched yet. Are you coming to group on Friday? I read the chapter tonight and it was really good stuff. Hope to see you there.