Kim's Weight Loss

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Counting down...

OK so they moved up my surgery to 730am, which means we have to arrive at 630am...Which would be fine except were in the middle of a winter storm. Supposed to get 3 inches of snow and ice. YUCK. Had to make arrangements for the boys since they probably won't have school tomorrow. Took them to Deb and Chuck's tonight for a sleepover. They were happy for the treat and looking forward to sledding down their front yard hill. I remember my Dad crying the day before he went in for Gastric Bypass and I was Micah's age. Micah was nervous he said. But they all gave me big squeezes. Micah made me a spoon play dough sculpture he said it was "for my surgery". I was thinking a straw would be more appropriate as I will continue liquids for 2 more weeks. But he gets it, it's a food thing. He told me today that it didn't matter if I was big or small or medium that I was still the best mom. OK 12 hours to go. I'm nervous. I have lots of Tivo shows saved up and 3 blockbuster movies to watch, so I 'll be entertained if I can't sleep. If not I'll have plenty to keep me busy while I'm on bed rest this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll be thinking of you, Kim, and remembering you in our prayers.

Love, M&D