Kim's Weight Loss

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm OK

Just a quick note because I can't leave that blah post hanging out there. I'm starting to feel a little better or at least neutral. I'm not sure this antidepressant is going to work because the Dr. said to increase my dose but when I tried my BP went up and headaches started. So since my BP was fine on the lower dose I'm going to try to hold it out here for a few weeks and see if it works. If not I'll have to move on to something else.

On the other hand, Micah is doing GREAT. His new antidepressant has brought smiles back to his face and he seems more like himself.

I'm pretty much ready for Christmas, a little more wrapping to do and then the big day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah -- I was missing your posts! So glad to hear you're feeling a little better.

I've been checking out your exercise tabulation chart and I'm predicting you'll be a yoga instructor by 2010.