Kim's Weight Loss

Saturday, October 4, 2008

OMG I Have Fasciculation Syndrome!!!

After exercising, specifically walking I have twitching in my legs. I actually love that feeling, I know that my muscles actually had a workout. I assumed it happened to everyone. So I just got back from my walk, wanted to update my exercise log, I sit down at the computer and my legs muscles are twitching like crazy. I love Google...I just put in "why do muscles twitch after exercise?" and I found out it's called Benign Fasciculation syndrome. I left out the benign part in my title because everyone knows what that it and it would've ruined the shock factor. The article I read said it comes after intense aerobic exercise. That makes me feel walk was actually intense aerobic exercise. I've pretty much settled into yoga, walking and Wii as my exercise routine. This seems to work well in my schedule. I can do yoga during the school day and walks or Wii in the evening. When I walk around the cul-de-sacs, the kids are usually outside playing. I can hear them the whole time I'm walking, so I know they are safe without me right close to the house. It's nice that they are more independent and I can worry more about taking care of myself. O.K must go now so I can make a Dr. appt. to discuss the treatment course for Fasciculation Syndrome.

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