Kim's Weight Loss

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I was just upstairs showing Micah some new clothes I bought him. He said "did you get me any new shirts". I told him he didn't need any new shirts. He said "I want a shirt like Cameron wore for pictures." He explained it was white with gold money signs and money bags. Then he said he wanted a necklace with a cents sign on it. I think he meant a dollar sign. I said then you'll really be gangster, which is a word he uses all the time. I thought I'd try to be cool. He said "mom to be a gangster you need a girl and a gun." And you have to be bad. I tried to convince him that he could start a new gangster thing and just have girls who are friends, no guns and be cool not bad. Then I told him that he didn't have to wear anything or have anything to be cool, he was already cool. He said "I know that mom, I just want to be like Cameron, because he's my friend". This conversation is a great reminder of how hard it is to parent sometimes. I love that Micah is outgoing and artistic and into fashion. But it scares me that he would think having a gun was cool. I'm sure we'll continue these kinds of conversations in the year to come. Well have to go because now my growing up boys are fighting over the remote.

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